The Children's Bread

By: Pastor Ben Aguirre
This weeks blog starts with scripture.
Matthew 15:26 (NKJV Strong's)
26 But He answered and said, "It is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the little dogs."
What are you eating? It is very easy today to try and find our sustenance in about everything imaginable. And yet we are more dissatisfied and empty than ever. The Lord graciously provides what we need to eat for our nourishment spiritually each day. In fact, Jesus taught us to pray, “give us this day our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11). Jesus Himself said that He was the bread of life, so we have plenty from His table to satisfy our every need.
This passage has so many components to it so I just want to focus on one, which is, deliverance from oppression. Look at this verse.
Acts 10:38 (NKJV Strong's)
38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.
Oppression is something pressing and holding us down or back. Since this passage is the story of the Gentile woman’s daughter being vexed with demons we can safely assume this is at least in part, what Jesus provides for His children. Are you a child of God? Are you under unusual pressure feeling held down by life’s circumstances? Are you being tormented in any way with fear, depression, anxiety or stress? Is your health or finances under attack? The answer will be found in your food. Jesus gave instructions concerning communion when He gave thanks, broke the bread and declared, “take, eat; this is My body which is broken for you;” (1 Cor. 11:24).
Believer, His table is prepared and spread. Come and dine for the Master has called. It’s your bread. He gives it freely to eat. So I ask once more, what are you eating?
Matthew 15:26 (NKJV Strong's)
26 But He answered and said, "It is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the little dogs."
What are you eating? It is very easy today to try and find our sustenance in about everything imaginable. And yet we are more dissatisfied and empty than ever. The Lord graciously provides what we need to eat for our nourishment spiritually each day. In fact, Jesus taught us to pray, “give us this day our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11). Jesus Himself said that He was the bread of life, so we have plenty from His table to satisfy our every need.
This passage has so many components to it so I just want to focus on one, which is, deliverance from oppression. Look at this verse.
Acts 10:38 (NKJV Strong's)
38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.
Oppression is something pressing and holding us down or back. Since this passage is the story of the Gentile woman’s daughter being vexed with demons we can safely assume this is at least in part, what Jesus provides for His children. Are you a child of God? Are you under unusual pressure feeling held down by life’s circumstances? Are you being tormented in any way with fear, depression, anxiety or stress? Is your health or finances under attack? The answer will be found in your food. Jesus gave instructions concerning communion when He gave thanks, broke the bread and declared, “take, eat; this is My body which is broken for you;” (1 Cor. 11:24).
Believer, His table is prepared and spread. Come and dine for the Master has called. It’s your bread. He gives it freely to eat. So I ask once more, what are you eating?