The Spirit of Adoption: Part 2

By: Pastor Ben Aguirre
No More Fear!
Romans 8:15 (NKJV Strong's)
15 For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father."
When the devil came to Jesus just while in the Wilderness he used a familiar tactic. The tempter said, “ if you are the son of God...(Matt. 4:3)”. It was the clever strategy to cast doubt concerning Identity! You see, if the devil can get you to doubt who you are, he can then get his hands on everything else. It is when we forget who we are that we begin to act like something else. Because we will gravitate toward what we think will give us security. Our identity in Christ, knowing who we are, is central to our life. When you know where you came from you can then have an idea about where you are going. Knowing you are a child of God with God living in you gives you access to all your resources to life victoriously. The Spirit whispered this to me a few days ago, I Am not just a resource in your life, I AM THE SOURCE OF YOUR LIFE.”
Every child of God has the Spirit crying out in him ABBA Father. It resists any other spirit that is trying to be your father and subsequently all the fears and insecurities that are born our of that relationship. You can walk in peace. You can be secure! You can know who you are!
15 For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father."
When the devil came to Jesus just while in the Wilderness he used a familiar tactic. The tempter said, “ if you are the son of God...(Matt. 4:3)”. It was the clever strategy to cast doubt concerning Identity! You see, if the devil can get you to doubt who you are, he can then get his hands on everything else. It is when we forget who we are that we begin to act like something else. Because we will gravitate toward what we think will give us security. Our identity in Christ, knowing who we are, is central to our life. When you know where you came from you can then have an idea about where you are going. Knowing you are a child of God with God living in you gives you access to all your resources to life victoriously. The Spirit whispered this to me a few days ago, I Am not just a resource in your life, I AM THE SOURCE OF YOUR LIFE.”
Every child of God has the Spirit crying out in him ABBA Father. It resists any other spirit that is trying to be your father and subsequently all the fears and insecurities that are born our of that relationship. You can walk in peace. You can be secure! You can know who you are!